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Immerse Ministries

Making Him Known - 30 Day Journey to Living and Sharing Your Faith

Making Him Known - 30 Day Journey to Living and Sharing Your Faith

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“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship”
(Romans 12:1)

The word “surrender” is found over 30 times throughout this 30 day journey. It’s as living sacrifices to the Lord that we become the light of the world, set ablaze by His love for all the world to see. Our path to making Him known begins on the altar of surrender, as we lay our whole lives down to a worthy King.

This devotional guide was created to provoke life-altering transformation within the hearts of every reader, guiding Christ followers back to the roots of His Word despite the shifting culture we live in. Our prayer is that these 30 days challenge you to live a life of daily surrender to the Father, reject complacency, and set fire to gradualistic spiritual tendencies. If taken seriously, this journey will equip you with the necessary tools that will bring transformation in your life and the city God has specifically placed you in. We challenge you to read this devotional and give full permission to the Holy Spirit to transform you. The Lord is raising up a people to abide in Him and make Him known.

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