Who We Are

Living surrendered lives to the Father has led our team to minister on a variety of global platforms - to the restricted, unreached, and remote. From smuggling thousands of Bibles into the Middle East, to unreached villages in the African bush country, and even ministering with the risk of imprisonment. This way of life has taught us a dependency on the Father and cultivated and understanding that He is worthy, no matter the cost of obeying His voice.

Our team at Immerse is simply following Christ’s example of hunger and passion, wanting nothing more but to see His Bride rise up and take her place as the Power of God transforms lives.

By partnering with churches all across the world, we are helping to establish Evangelism teams, Discipleship Training, Worship Events, and Resources that are specifically focused on bringing the Body of Christ together to realize an eternal impact on our communities.

Through this community and church partnership, we have found a people willing to abide in Christ and make Him known everywhere they go, bringing the Power of God with them as they serve and impact the world around them.



Javen and Caitlin were married in 2008 and have two daughters, Ayanna and Soniya. Both have been involved in missions since their youth. By the time Javen was 16 years old he had helped to smuggle tens of thousands of Bibles into the Middle East. Together they have been in full-time ministry since 2011 in restricted nations, remote villages and among people untouched by the Gospel, almost 30 different nations all together. God’s call has taken them to minister in the USA, Middle East, Europe, South America, and Africa.

They co-founded Immerse The Nations together with Justin & Bonnie Beal, and as a ministry, their goal is to minister out of a place of personal intimacy and communion with Christ, bringing the Kingdom everywhere they go. Their heart is to see the Body of Christ become one under the banner of one name- Jesus, sparking authentic hunger to know Christ and make Him known. Javen serves as Vice-President of the Hernando Christian Ministerial Association and also partners with many different ministry teams and churches in spreading the gospel.

As they are a family blessed by the miracle of adoption, their deep desire is to see the responsibility of adoption taken on by the Body of Christ, as James 1:27 declares. They are committed to seeing Christian families open their homes in surrender to God’s heart for adoption.

“Evangelism isn’t what we do, it is a byproduct of who we are as followers of Christ.” – Javen & Caitlin Mirabella

"That all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.” John 17:21



Justin and Bonnie Beal began full time ministry as worship leaders in 2013 serving the Body of Christ. They have 4 children- Maverick, their oldest son born in 2014, Valor, their second son born in 2016, Isla, their first daughter born in 2018, and Rhema born in 2020. Since 2017, they have been serving with Immerse The Nations as leaders of Immerse Worship. They have served across the globe, as well as, in their home community of Brooksville, Florida. Their passion is to develop a culture of people who are hungry for one thing- Jesus. They have developed their first EP called, “Abide”, out of a place of intimacy with the Father. They have released their first two singles, “Abide” and “Sea of Suns”, in 2019 and plan to release the full EP in 2020.

“So you must remain in life-union with Me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to Mine.” ‭‭John‬ ‭15:4‬



Caleb and Danielle Kenney joined Immerse after the Lord called them out of their previous digital marketing business and into a new chapter of faith and full reliance on God. Using their experience gained through years of digital and business strategy consult work, they’ve applied their focus to both organizing and growing the ministry the way the Lord has willed. They have 3 beautiful Children – Nora, Lola, and Nolan, who are extremely lively and loved.

The Kenney’s heart is to see the Lord’s will fulfilled and the love and power of the Holy Spirit working mightily in our communities through dedicated servants of Christ who have decided to fully abide in Him, and make Him known.

“Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Romans 12:1



Caleb & Sharim were married in 2011 and are now a family of four with two children with Ezekiel born in 2017, and Hadassah born in 2022. They began serving in ministry in their youth and have continued throughout their marriage, ministering to a variety of age groups and in many capacities, including leading children’s ministry for four years. Their heart is to get to where the people are, outside of the four walls of the church, and have been leading evangelism teams with Immerse since 2020.

The Shields are excited to be launching the Immerse Indiana branch, believing for revival to spread everywhere they go. Caleb graduated from SUM Bible College with a Bachelors in Biblical Studies and is currently continuing his education with pursuing a Masters of Divinity. He is a licensed minister and loves to share the Gospel whenever he can, especially in the streets with whoever he meets! Caleb and Sharim have always had a passion for “SOULS” and to see a heart for evangelism come alive in the Body of Christ. It is with this desire for the lost that they are spearheading the Immerse Indiana launch in November 2022.

‬‬“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”‭‭ Matthew‬ ‭6:33



Joe and Tina Muscianese have been together for 25 years. They have 4 adult children, and 3 grandchildren. Together they have led multiple discipleship groups out of their home since 2015. These groups included individual mentoring, young adults, prayer and worship, workout groups and men/women’s discipleship group. While also serving in their local church in multiple areas, and evangelism. They both work full time jobs which allows them to minister to those around them, taking the love of Christ outside the four walls into the marketplace. In 2022, they answered the call to Tennessee to help cultivate a culture of relationship over religion.

“Now wherever you go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the competition of this age.” Matthew 28:19-20