Be The Church. Be The Light.
City On A Hill is an event dedicated to the unity of the Body of Christ and the result of what happens when we pursue the Lord in one mind and one accord.
The day will be filled with prayer, worship, and the Word of God. Join us, as we declare Hernando County as a City On A Hill with a light that cannot be hidden.

Event Info
March 4, 2023
Estimated Event Length: 4 hours
- 10:30am Gates Open
- 11:00am Pre-Event Prayer
- 12:00pm Event Begins
What to Bring
This will be an outdoor event with limited seating available - please bring a chair and/or blanket to help ensure your comfort.
Food & Refreshments
Several food trucks and vendors will be onsite through the duration of the event.
Fostering / Adoption Initiative
Several government, nonprofit, and ministry organizations will be setup at the event to answer questions about fostering and adoption and how you can get involved, register, or how to support foster families and children of Hernando County.
The Glory Ranch
24440 Mondon Hill Rd, Brooksville, FL 34601
Get Your Free Tickets
You can register for the event by adding tickets to cart and submitting some basic information.

The Vision
Oneness with each other and with the Father.
We’ve heard the call going out from the Father during this pivotal hour in human history. Jesus’ prayer from John 17:21 “that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me” stands as the recipe for a world transformed. Our oneness with the Father and oneness with each other results in our city streets revolutionized. When Jesus comes to a city, the church is found fervent in prayer, denominational divides come down, every displaced child receives a family, and much more! This is where the vision for “City On A Hill” was born.

We believe that in America, we’ve gotten far too comfortable with just reading the Word without doing the Word. As a result, we are partnering with churches, municipalities, and nonprofits to see the Body of Christ in our community come together as an expression of the Church the Father has longed to see lived out.
“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” – Matthew 5:14
Here in Hernando County, the Body of Christ has been coming together in oneness in prayer, fasting, worship, and outreach events, the next step in 2023 is to see every displaced child housed through families willing to fulfill James 1:27, where the Word says:
“Pure and faultless religion is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the World.”

After speaking with both DCF and Kid Central (fostering) it turns out that if just one family in each church in our community would be willing to foster just one child, every foster child in Hernando County would be housed by a loving family in an instant. As a result of our oneness with one another, the church of Hernando County will answer this call with one voice, and on March 4, 2023, we are responding as an expression of God’s heartbeat- one big, beautiful City On A Hill.
Join us for a day of prayer, worship, and coming together to see every child housed, as Christians are given the opportunity to open their homes through foster care or adoption. It is our goal to see every Christian in Hernando County join together in bringing glory to the Lord through our oneness in prayer and in worship. What will God do with a people who abandoned all to glorify Him?
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