A warm greeting from the Immerse Indiana Team,
It's a joy to share with you all that the Lord is doing in this powerful season! Entire towns are hearing the Gospel, the Church is uniting, and believers are pressing in to see revival in their land.
God is so faithful, as we have seen 12 pastors become one with us, standing together to pursue the vision for unity in their area. The unity is evident, as we just finished our 21 days of prayer, and we saw a number of pastors and churches join as one like never before. We didn't stop after 21 Days, exceeding 40 days of prayer at the courthouse. People have been so encouraged that we kept praying after the 21 days. We are now working on continuing with a weekly prayer time as a united community of believers. God is stirring. During the 21 days, we prayed over this area, community, family, children, law enforcement and for REVIVAL. We are seeing it. This prayer time took place before a major court trial in Carroll County. We are believing that God's presence is making a way when it seems like there is none with darkness being brought to light.
Throughout the year, Immerse Indiana goes downtown to the university campus and prays for students. During our time there, we had a interaction with a man who needed a ride home. He asked so many questions about the Lord and the Bible. Recently, during our 21 Days of Prayer he reached out to us via text, saying he has made the decision to follow Jesus. He said that the encounter we had with him and taking the time to answer his questions helped him on his journey to making the decision for Christ. What an encouragement that as we obey, God can do anything. We are faithful to sow, and He alone brings forth the fruit.
We've officially given every home in Delphi the opportunity to hear the Gospel, by systematically mapping out every neighborhood and tracking every reached home during our outreaches. No one has been left out! It's so awesome to accomplish that.
TESTIMONY: A man called one of the local churches, saying that during one of our outreaches, we had handed him a Gospel of John with the church phone number on it. The outreach had taken place a year ago, but the man said that he was now ready for the pastor to come to his home to pray with him. The pastor went to his home and had the joy of leading him to Jesus. A week later, he passed away. Praise God that he gave his life to Christ when he had the chance. God sees! We just obey. It is truly the key in everything.
City on a Hill was a beautiful day, as those who were hungry for the Lord joined together in one purpose- making Him known! Believers were given the opportunity to unite in prayer, worship, and step up to fulfill the needs of at risk children in our area. The most encouraging part was watching all the pastors join as ONE.
We were thankful to have had the Immerse Florida team join us in Indiana for City On A Hill- Love this team!
We're so grateful to have team members like you standing with us in prayer, giving, and outreach. Thank you for your heart to see Jesus glorified in Indiana and through your own surrendered life. We are thankful for each of you!Love, The Shields